€10 OFF orders of €120 or more in the Online Shop
Coupon code: PLAT2017
Includes Free delivery. Valid until 31st October
Visit www.jackmccarthy.ie
Customers who use this PLAT2017 coupon before the end of October 2017 will become members of the new Platinum Club and will receive an additional exclusive coupon in November. If you redeem the November coupon you will receive one in December and so on.
Regular customers get regular discounts at McCarthys with our new Platinum Club.
New Look Kanturk Store
We are delighted with our newly refurbished store in Kanturk. It looks amazing, call in for a look if you are in town. We have changed the orientation of the shop and added lots of new refrigerated space in a bright new interior. We’ve managed to keep some traditional features and add some lovely new ones like the storyboard on the back wall showing the history of McCarthys since we first opened five generations ago in 1892.
On the Shelves in Aldi
Aldi approached us earlier this year seeking to source the best black and white pudding in Ireland for their shelves for a special promotion in June. We were happy to oblige. Making sure that our recipe, high standards and quality ingredients were preserved, we developed new supermarket friendly packaging for our puddings.
The promotion was so successful that we are going to be back on the shelves in Aldi’s 135 stores in Ireland from November to January.
McCarthys have teamed up with BLocal so local customers can avail of the loyalty scheme in the Kanturk Shop. Every time you shop at McCarthy’s you collect points on your card and for every euro spent you get a point.
When you have 300 points you get a €10 euro voucher that you can redeem with us.
Old Butter Roads Food Trail
Jack and Tim have been involved in a new local food producers initiative called the Old Butter Roads Food Trail.
The Old Butter Roads Food Trail initiative is developed by the producers, eateries and visitor attractions to celebrate the range of foods grown and produced in the Muskerry, Duhallow and Avondhu areas of County Cork.
The Old Butter Roads Food Trail escorts visitors through fertile valleys, bread basket of Co Cork, where rich pasture lands provide the most wholesome and delicious dairy, meats, fruits, vegetables and grains in the country.
Find us at The Macroom Food Festival
Thursday 21st to Sunday 24th September
Click for more information
Facebook Live
We’ve been having great craic with facebook live in the shop recently. If you don’t already follow us make sure you check out our page. The videos are hilarious!
McCarthy’s Award Winning Products
With Jack and Tim’s innovative and creative ideas (as displayed on facebook live…) come prestigious awards.
Butchers Excellence International is the only all Ireland butchery body and we were delighted to win awards at the 2017 ALL IRELAND SAUSAGE, BURGER AND PUDDING COMPETITION 2017 for our Bramley Apple Sausages, Country style Beef Burgers, Prime Steak Burger, Gluten Free Smoked Bacon Chicken Burger and our Traditional Pork Sausages. We won the prestigious Diamond award for our Black Pudding, and White Pudding
We are looking forward to Blas na hEireann, The Irish Food Awards on 30th September where we have a couple of finalists.